Restaurant menu «Budvar»
- Starters 13
- Salads 12
- Entrees 6
- Soups 4
- Fish and seafood dishes 9
- Meat and poultry dishes 24
- Desserts 10
- Kids’ menu 6
- Soft drinks 40
- Alcoholic drinks 113
- Beer 36
- Beer cocktails 4
- Beer snacks 1
- Czeck strong spirits 9
- Whisky 8
- Vodka 16
- Gin 1
- Rum 3
- Tequila 2
- Vermouth 2
- Herb liqueurs and liqueurs 4
- Cognac 8
- Calvados 1
- Cocktails 18
- Wine list of the Budvar Restaurant 67
Czeck strong spirits
Becherovka 50 ml | Herb liqueur |
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Fernet Stock Citrus 50 ml | Herb liqueur flavored with lemon |
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Slivovice 50 ml | Plum liqueur |
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Slivovice Gold 50 ml | Plum liqueur 3 YO |
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Hruskovice 50 ml | Pear liqueur |
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Tresnovice 50 ml | Cherry liqueur |
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Luhacovicka 50 ml | Herb liqueur |
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Borovicka 50 ml | Juniper liqueur |
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Liqueurs: horse radish, chili pepper, prune, Chinese apple, cornelian cherry, pine, cranberry, cherry, arrow-wood, blackberry, redberry, sweet cranberry 50 ml |