Green peas with vegetables
This is a nice option for a side-dish. It suits to anything. It is healthy and dietetic. It’s easy and fast to cook. Take to your note. Chalk up.
- Green peas – 125 g;
- Small mallow – 1 pc (250 g);
- Chili pepper – 1 pc;
- Shallot – 1 pc;
- Cherry tomatoes – 200 g;
- Olive oil – 2 tbsp;
- Parsley – small bunch;
- White wine vinegar – 1 tbsp;
- Salt, black ground pepper.
Step 1

Wash out green peas. Leave in a colander to make the water drain off.
Step 2

Remove the core and seeds from chili pepper. I definitely insist on doing it in gloves!
Step 3

Heat the olive oil in a frying pan. Put pepper into the oil and fry on average heat for a minute.
Step 4

Cut the marrow into cubes.
Step 5

Put marrows into the frying pan. Fry for two-three minutes.
Step 6

Halve green peas.
Step 7

Put to the marrows. Then put shallot cut into semi-rings. Heat over all together for another two minutes.
Step 8

Then pout vinegar in, mix up and heat for another two minutes. Vinegar should get evaporated.
Step 9

Halve tomatoes and put to the frying pan. Sprinkle with salt.
Step 10

Finely chop the parsley, put to the vegetables and sprinkle with pepper.
Step 11

Stir up and turn off. It’s ready.
Bon appetite!
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