Watermelons Season At Carlson Restaurant
Redaktor, 5 August 2015
The brand chef Carlo Greku offers the guests a few salads such as a salad with watermelon and Feta cheese (320 rubles) that consists of marinated watermelon combined with tender cheese, Yalta onion, celery and Cailletiers, a salad with shrimps, watermelon and tomatoes (590 rubles) and Panna Cotta with watermelon (290 rubles) for a dessert – cream Panna Cotta is served with watermelon jelly, slices of watermelon and cherries.

Restaurant Karlson
Kitchen: Chefs
Average bill: from 3000 rub
Address: 20/1, Ovchinnikovskaya embankment, Moscow
The menu certainly has a big portion of fresh watermelon (390 rubles)
served on ice and dressed with pieces of starfruit. Welcome to Carlson to take
summer mood!
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