Boldino Autumn at Сhateau de Fleurs
Сhateau de Fleurs restaurant presents seasonal sets dedicated to Boldino autumn.
The restaurant menu has two autumn sets: “I remember the sea before the storm where I envied the waves…” and the second set “The village made Evgueny bored was a very charming spot…”. As before, you may order separate dishes or the whole set.
Also the guests will be recommended to combine Boldino autumn menu with wines especially selected for this case.
“I remember the sea before the storm where I envied the waves…” set:
No alcohol – 2400 rubles;
Alcohol included – 3900 rubles.
“The village made Evgueny bored was a very charming spot…” set:
No alcohol – 2200 rubles;
Alcohol included – 3500 rubles.
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