Watermelon & Melon Menu At Il FORNO Restaurant
The chefs of Italian restaurantsIl FORNO prepared a juicy and bright watermelon and melon menu for the guests.

Restaurant Il Forno (Kutuzovskiy pr.)
Average bill: 2000-3000 rub
Address: 2/1 bldg. 6, Kutuzovskiy prospekt, Moscow

Restaurant Il Forno (Neglinnaya str.)
Average bill: 2000-3000 rub
Address: 8/10 bldg. 1, Neglinnaya str., Moscow

Restaurant Il Forno (Ostojenka str.)
Average bill: 2000-3000 rub
Address: 3/14, Ostojenka str., Moscow
They offer a few cold
appetizers and a dessert soup cooked of sweet melon. Traditional appetizer –
honey melon with Parma
ham – is served here with ginger and pistachio crumbs, while balsamic dressing
makes the dish incredibly aromatic. Far East
scallop and melon are used to make tartar. For a dessert, you may order light
gazpacho made of melon with a scoop of vanilla ice-cream. As for watermelon,
there is a juicy salad with it, young spinach and caramelized Brie cheese. Fresh
lemonade made of watermelon and home watermelon syrup will be an excellent
beverageof the bright dishes from the new menu.
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