Vladimir Cuisine

Russian cuisine is most various. It includes a lot of tasty recipes prepared differently in each city and village. Today we are presenting the Russian city of Vladimir, and are telling you about delicious recipes of Russian cuisine and dishes typical of different Russian cities
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Complication —

Russian cuisine is most various. It includes a lot of tasty recipes prepared differently in each city and village. Today we are presenting the Russian city of Vladimir, and are telling you about delicious recipes of Russian cuisine and dishes typical of different Russian cities.
The city of Vladimir was founded in 1157 - 1174 during the reign of Andrey Bogolubsky who transferred the capital of the princedom from Suzdal to Vladimir. You can see "The Golden Gate", "The Arms of Vladimir" and "The Assumption Cathedral" which is still working and takes a worthy place in our orthodox church and its formidable history… However, we are not going to talk about the history of my favourite city and region, but about the ancient recipes that the people of orthodox Vladimir indulged themselves with. There will not be a lot of them since it is impossible and unnecessary to list them all. The ancient and modern Vladimir cuisine is a component of primordially Russian cuisine. But nevertheless…

Stewed Vladimir Mushrooms
145g fresh mushrooms
35g dried mushrooms
24g onions
10g margarine
90g potatoes
50g sour cream
3g butter
2g flour spices to taste
Fry correctly processed mushrooms with onions, mix with fried potatoes and put in a pot. Fill the pot with sour cream sauce and put in the oven for 10-15 minutes. This dish is served as a hot starter, but it can also be a main dish if you double the amount of products.

Vologda Bitki
Grind 800g low-fat beef, 200g beef fat, 200g brown bread soaked in milk, and boned herring. Add salt and pepper to taste, form patties and fry them in a stew-pan at low heat with butter and finely chopped onion. Serve with potatoes and sauce. To make the sauce, boil twice the juice remaining after frying with 100g sour cream and 1 tbsp flour fried with 1 tbsp butter.

Vinaigrette "Pokrovsky"
80g apples
80g prunes
100g potatoes
100g beet
160g sauerkraut garlic
160g mayonnaise
80g champignons or pickled mushrooms
1 egg
Wash, peel and core apples. Boil prunes, beet (do not peel) and potatoes. See that potatoes are not boiled soft. Peel and crush garlic. Cut everything into fine julienne, mix with sauerkraut, garlic, salt, and fill with mayonnaise. Mix well. Put the vinaigrette in a salad dish shaping as a hill and top with prunes, mushrooms, a boiled egg and fresh herbs.

Salad "Novgorod"
300g cabbage
100g ham
1 apple
25g peas
Rub finely chopped fresh cabbage with salt, add finely chopped ham and fresh apples, tinned peas. Sprinkle with vinegar, leave 10 minutes to rest, fill with mayonnaise.

Samara Pork
1.2kg pork
100g white wine
100g vinegar
300g water
8-10 bay leaves
1tbsp flavory pepper
1 handful juniper berries
1 cup prunes
0.5cup grated white bread
0.5tsp cinnamon
0.5tbsp butter
0.5tsp sugar
Mallet the pork, put it in a saucepan, add white wine, vinegar, water, a little salt, bay leaves, flavory pepper, juniper berries, cover with a lid, and stew at medium heat, periodically turning the meat until ready. Boil prunes in a separate saucepan until soft in a little water, press through a sieve. Add grated white bread fried in oil, sugar, cinnamon. Mix, add the sauce in which the meat was stewed, bring to boil. Slice the meat, put on a dish, add sauce and serve.

Suvorov Soup
200g fresh frozen sturgeon
360g fish broth
200g potatoes
1 onion
1 carrot
100g fresh mushrooms
1 tbsp tomato paste
1 tomato
1 clove garlic fresh herbs
20g butter
4 segments lemon
Slice sturgeon fillet or other fish, fry slightly in butter on both sides, put in a clay pot, cast-iron pan or saucepan, add fish broth, sliced raw potatoes, fried onions, mushrooms and carrots, and cook 10 minutes more. Chop fresh herbs and garlic, slice fresh tomatoes and lemon, and put everything in the soup before serving.

Volga Fish Under Marinade
800g fish
3 tbsp vegetable oil
salt, pepper for marinade:
3-4 carrots
1 parsley root
3 onions
1 cup tomato paste
4 tbsp vegetable oil
bay leaf, cloves, black pepper, cinnamon, nutmeg, flavory pepper, salt, vinegar
2 cups water
Clear and rinse fish, cut it in pieces, add salt and pepper, and fry in vegetable oil until ready. Prepare marinade: slice vegetables fine, add tomato paste and fry until the oil gets the colour of tomato. Add water, bring to boil, add salt, vinegar, spices, and boil 10-15 minutes. You can also add crushed garlic. Pour the prepared marinade over the fish and leave to rest 4-5 hours in a cool place.

Petersburg Kalaches
for pastry:
800g flour
80g for sprinkling
50g sugar
30g margarine cream
350g water
20g salt
10g yeast egg for brushing
Make sponge leavened pastry, divide into pieces, roll round flatbreads, and 5-8 minutes later roll them out thin. Make a semicircular cut 1.5-2 cm from the edge and cut out a half circle. Brush the "tongue" with melted butter and fold it over the kalach. Put the kalach on the baking tray, leave to full rest, brush with egg and bake 10-15 min at 240-260 degrees.

Nobleman"s Roast
2-3kg veal
200g salt
4 cups grated home cheese
2-3 tbsp sour cream
50g spring onions, dill, parsley each
100g slab bacon
50g rye breadcrumbs pepper to taste
Take the back quarter or fricandeau of veal, salt it, sew up in cloth. Dig out a hole in black earth, 50-60 cm deep, fill it with ice and salt, and put the meat there. 12 hours later dig out the meat, do not wash. Cut the veal to the bone in three places, and put in the filling (grated white home cheese, sour cream, fresh herbs - all mixed). Sew up the cuts with thread or birch pins, lard the veal with slab bacon. Fry on a spit over a baking tray, pouring with oil and sauce regularly. Serve sprinkled with breadcrumbs.

Slavic Meat
1kg meat
100g onions
200g sour cream
50g cheese
100g melted butter
100g flour fresh herbs, salt, pepper
Boil a piece of meat slightly, then roast in the oven until ready. Chill down, cut into portions. Fry finely sliced onions in a big cast-iron pan, add a little flour, and slightly fry at low fire, then add sour cream and broth, chill down a little. Whisk 2 yolks into the sauce, add salt and pepper. Put meat portions on an enamel dish, pour over with the sauce which can include boiled mushrooms, sprinkle with grated cheese, and put in the oven to. Put on a dish and serve.

Arkhangelsk Balls
250g butter
1/2 cup sour cream
1cup water
500g wheaten flour
Make pastry out of the suggested products, leave it to rest a little, and divide into parts. Roll them into ropes, cut them into portions, and roll into balls. Brush with whipped egg and bake in the oven until golden.

Bon appetite!
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