Russian Dishes from Poultry
Russian cuisine is widely known all over the world. The assortment of Russian cuisine is so various, and its popularity in Europe is so great

Russian cuisine is widely known all over the world. The assortment of Russian cuisine is so various, and its popularity in Europe is so great, that even early in the last century it was spoken about with the same respect, as the refined French cuisine. Russian national cuisine is original, unique and inimitable. No other country has such a variety of vegetable, meat, fish and other cold starters, soups, main dishes, sweet dishes, culinary foods. It has been quite a while since we last cooked something from poultry, although Russian cuisine offers hundreds of incredibly tasty and healthy dishes. A distinctive feature of the old Russian ferial table was making dishes from the whole poultry or animal or a big piece of meat. Ground, chopped meat was basically used to fill pies or stuff goose, chicken, lamb and pork legs, sausages.
Stuffed Chicken
1 medium-sized chicken
pepper to taste
1/2 cup sour cream
150g butter
5-6 potatoes
for stuffing:
350g beef
2 carrots
200g pickled mushrooms
150g breadcrumbs
1/2 cup cream
salt, ground pepper to taste
Rub the prepared chicken with salt and sour cream. Prepare the stuffing: grind beef, grate carrots fine, add breadcrumbs, cream, salt, pepper, finely chopped mushrooms – stir everything thoroughly. Stuff the chicken, sew it up, and put on the buttered baking tray with its back down. To steady the chicken, put potato halves around. Roast the chicken in the usual way pouring it with the appearing juice. Remove the threads from the prepared chicken, take out the filling, and put the chicken on the dish. Put the potatoes and the filling around and pour it with the juice it was fried in.
Duck With Noodles And Mushrooms
1 medium-sized duck
200g home noodles
5-6 dried mushrooms
50g butter
2 eggs
1 table spoon flour
1 cup sour cream
1 carrot
1 parsley root
pepper ground to taste
Boil noodles in salted water and drain them on the colander. Boil mushrooms in 2 cups of water (keep the broth). Chop the boiled mushrooms finely, reserve 2 tablespoons for the sauce, and combine the rest with the noodles, eggs, butter, salt, and pepper. Stuff the prepared duck with noodles and mushrooms, and sew it up. Put the duck in a saucepan, add the mushroom broth, crushed parsley and carrot roots, and stew until the duck is ready. Prepare the sauce: brown flour in a frying pan, stir in the mushroom broth remaining from the duck stewing, add 2-3 tablespoons of the chopped mushrooms, sour cream, and bring to boil. Remove the threads from the prepared duck, take out the filling, and put the duck on the dish. Put the filling around and pour it with the sauce.
"Banquet" Cutlets
4 chicken fillets
120g walnuts
80g butter
1 egg
40g melted butter
1/2 cup breadcrumbs
salt to taste
1 bunch parsley
Slice off fillet from the prepared chicken carcass, remove membranes, tenderize with a mallet until 0.5cm thick, put the filling in the middle, connect the edges, and shape the fillet as a cutlet. Then coat the cutlets in breadcrumbs and fry on both sides until a crisp crust appears. Finish the fried cutlets in the oven. For filling: grind shelled walnuts, add pounded parsley, garlic, salt and a raw egg, and stir thoroughly.
Capital-Style Poultry
4 chicken fillet
2 slices white bread
2 eggs
120g butter
for cribs (10 ea)
1 cup wheaten flour
40g margarine
2 table spoons milk
1 table spoon sour cream
1 egg sugar
salt to taste
Clean poultry fillet (boned), tenderize slightly with a mallet, dip in liaison, coat in julienned white bread, and fry 12-15 minutes right before serving. Serve the fillet with a slice of butter on it. Garnish with potato chips, green tinned peas, tinned fruit. The garnish can also be served in pastry cribs. To make them, dissolve sugar and salt in milk, add eggs, flour (half), softened margarine and sour cream. Mix everything until homogeneous and add the other flour gradually. Roll out the prepared pastry 2-3mm thick and cut out circles the size of your forms. Put the circles in the forms, press the pastry to the inner surface of the forms, puncture in several places with a fork, fill them with peas or cereals to preserve the shape, and bake in the oven. When they get brownish, take the cribs out of the forms, remove the peas or cereals and chill down.
White Partridge Stewed In Sour Cream
2 medium-sized partridges
100g butter
2-4 onions
4 carrots
2 cups sour cream
1 table spoon flour
salt, pepper to taste
Rinse and pluck the prepared partridges thoroughly, rub with salt, and halve along the backbone. Melt butter in the frying pan and fry the partridges slightly. Put the meat in a bowl, and fry finely sliced onions and carrots in the same butter until soft. Put the partridge pieces on the vegetables, pour sour cream over them, add salt and pepper (you can add 1 tbsp of heated flour for density), and stew covered at low heat until the meat is ready, about 1 hour. Put the cooked meat on a dish, and pour it with the sour cream sauce with vegetables.
Pheasant Fillet With Jam
300-400g pheasant fillet
3 eggs
60g butter
5-6 slices white bread
7-8 potatoes
1 cup fruit jam (bilberry, cranberry)
salt, pepper to taste
fresh parsley
Remove sinews from the pheasant fillet. Cut into small pieces. Tenderize the pieces slightly with a mallet, add salt and pepper, roll them in eggs, and coat in diced white bread. Fry the game slices in butter until ready. Fry potato chips. Put the game slices on a dish, put fried potatoes around, and decorate with fresh herbs. Serve jam in a separate bowl.
Wedding Goose
1 goose
1 cup millet
5-6 tbsp butter
spices, salt to taste
Rub the prepared goose with salt and spices inside and outside. Boil millet until half-ready, drain on a sieve, add butter and fill the goose with the mixture. Sew up the neck and the rump of the goose with a food thread, put it in a stew pan, cover and stew in the oven until ready, 3-4 hours. In Siberia, such goose is prepared in the evening before the wedding day and left overnight in the heated Russian stove.
Moscow-Style Roast Chickens
To cook the dish you need:
3 chickens
400-500g fresh cep mushrooms
1-2 medium-sized onions
2 tbsp flour
400g sour cream
300g cream dill
200g short pastry for covering
salt to taste
Gut the chickens, chop them into portion pieces (normally 4 parts), and salt. Fry sliced onion and finely chopped mushrooms in oil, then add chicken slices. Put the chickens into portion pots. Brown flour in the same frying pan, add sour cream and cream, and boil to make a sauce (until thick). Chop a few bunches of dill finely and stir in the sauce. Pour the resulting sauce over the chickens, and cover the pots with short pastry. Make several cuts in the pastry to let out steam. Put in the oven for 40-50 minutes.
Goose Roasted With Apples
To cook the dish you need:
1 goose
4 tbsp cored raisins
15-20 medium-sized apples (preferably antonovka)
1 tbsp sugar fresh parsley
10 black olives
salt to taste
Rub the goose outside and inside with salt. Prepare a mix for the filling: combine cored and peeled apple quarters with pre-soaked raisins and sugar. Stuff the goose with the mixture and sew it up. Put the goose on the baking tray with its back down, add a half-cup of water and put it in the oven. When the goose gets brown, turn it over. Turn down the heat and pour the appearing fat over the goose every 5-10 minutes. The goose is cooked about 3 hours. Half an hour before the goose is ready, put the remaining whole apples around it, pour the fat over them, and bake. Remove the threads from the cooked goose and take out the filling. Put the filling on a dish, top it with fresh herbs, put the goose above and baked apples around. Put olives in the middles of the apples.
Chicken Stewed With Prunes On Vol-Au-Vent
1 chicken
100g melted butter
1 tbsp flour
1.5 cups cored prunes
1 onion
1 parsley root
1 carrot
1 celery root
bay leaves
Put the portion pieces in a saucepan with melted butter, add finely chopped roots and onions, and stew under cover until ready adding some water. Half an hour before the dish is ready, add 3 cups of broth or water and boil the chicken thoroughly. Prepare the sauce: brown flour in butter, add broth, a little vinegar, sugar, and bring to boil. Add pre-soaked prunes to the chicken, add the sauce and put in the heated oven for 15-20 minutes. Put the chicken slices and prunes on a vol-au-vent (a flatbread from puff or short pastry) and pour the sauce over them.
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