Since ancient times our ancestors settled near rivers, seas and lakes. Water served as transport arteries, natural defense against enemies, and, among other things, a plentifully fish supplier

Since ancient times our ancestors settled near rivers, seas and lakes. Water served as transport arteries, natural defense against enemies, and, among other things, a plentifully fish supplier. Fish dishes have always occupied a special place in Russian cuisine. Another reason for its wide popularity was the fact that during numerous fasts fish was not banned. As for the healthiness of such viands, there is no other product that has such abundance of high-grade fibers, biologically active fat acids, and valuable mineral salts.
The ancient Russians ate a lot of fresh-water and migratory fish. It is for this reason that among the Easter dishes of the Moscow Tsars there were seven fish dishes from Murom salmon, sterlet, sturgeon, beluga, and pike. Even during the Great Meat Eater (time from Christmas to Shrovetide), there were fish days – Wednesday and Friday.
People started to get acquainted with sea fish in the times of Peter the Great. The Tsar cared of sea fish catch "for desirable benefit and multiplication of trade of the City of Arkhangelsk in Kola Port from fishering of whale and walrus lard, cod liver and other sea animals" (Peter the Great, Decree of 1721), however Russian people, who were used to the gifts of fresh-water rivers and lakes, met sea fish rather hostilely. Even at the end of the 19th century many people had a bias against it, and northern Pomors (the White Sea coast dwellers) were contemptuously called cod-eaters.
Boiled Sturgeon
400-600g sturgeon
1 carrot
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