Desserts to every taste
Today we are offering you recipes of desserts to all tastes. Cooking desserts requires special approach and mood. Bon appetite!

Today we are offering you recipes of desserts to all tastes. Cooking desserts requires special approach and mood. Bon appetite!
Lemon Sorbet
(serves 6)
1 big lemon
150 ml port
50 g powdered sugar
300 ml double cream
2 egg-yolks
fruit for decoration (red currant, grapes)
Cooking: Grate lemon zest finely. Put it into a small bowl with 3 tbsp lemon juice, wine and powdered sugar. Leave to rest for 15 minutes – till the powdered sugar dissolves. Stir occasionally! Whip the cream thick, add 4 tbsp wine mixture continue whipping so that the cream remained thick. Whisk the egg-whites into thick foam, combine with the cream mixture and put into six cups. Cover and freeze for 6 hours. Keep at room temperature for 10-15 min before serving. Decorate with berries brushed with egg-white and rolled in powdered sugar.
Fruit in Chocolate
(serves 20) 20 small strawberries 20 apricots 20 small pieces of pear 20 red and 20 white grapes 200g dark chocolate, 200g white chocolate, cream
Cooking: Wash the berries and put them on a paper towel. Melt the chocolate (separately) on a water bath. Add the cream so that the mixture is thick as yoghurt. Dip one half of the fruit and berries on a skewer into hot chocolate, put the skewers into the glass and chill the fruit till the chocolate hardens. From: the "Gastronome" magazine
Banana parfait
(serves 4) 1 egg 2 egg yolks 100g sugar 1/2 tsp grated orange zest 1 vanilla pod 2 tbsp amaretto 1 tbsp rum 2 ripe bananas 2 tbsp lemon juice 40g grated dark chocolate 500 ml cream
Cooking: Whisk the egg and egg yolks till foamy. Boil 50ml water with sugar for 1 minute. Stirring constantly, pour the hot syrup into whisked eggs. Stir in the zest and vanilla pulp. Put the mixture on the icy water bath and stir with hand mixer till the mixture is chilled. Stir in amaretto and rum into the cold mixture. Peel the bananas, sieve them and mix with lemon juice. Stir into the mixture together with grated chocolate. Whip the cream and stir into the mixture. Line the bowl with a cling film, fill it with the mixture and put into the freezer for the night. Overturn the form to take out the parfait, remove the film and slice the dessert.
Creamy dessert
curd 200g
crushed walnuts 100g
cream 200ml
powdered sugar 70g
2 tbsp grated chocolate
vanillin to taste
Cooking: Sieve the curd, combine with powdered sugar and walnuts. Whip the cream till thick, combine with curd mixture and vanillin. Garnish the ready dessert with grated chocolate.
Honey halva
wheat flower 1kg
honey 400g
melted butter 400g
Cooking: Sift the flower and fry it in melted butter till golden colour. Pour in the honey and fry for 5 more minutes. Put the hot halva on a plate and cut into equal squares.
Nut Roll
cream 500 ml
crushed hazel nuts 300g
butter 20g
sugar 50g
6 eggs
3tbsp rum
powdered sugar 2tbsp
1/2 tsp soda
vanillin to taste
Cooking: Rub the egg-yolks with sugar till white, add vanillin, crushed hazel nuts, soda and whisked egg-whites. Line the baking tray with buttered paper, add the egg mixture and bake 15-20 min at 180 C in the preheated oven. Then cover the pastry with a wet napkin and chill. Spread a clean towel on the table, put the pastry on the towel and remove the paper. Whisk the cream with powdered sugar and rum, spread it on the pastry and roll up.
Jelly Espresso
(Serves 12) 14 g gelatine 1 vanilla pod 1 cinnamon quill 4 tbsp sugar 12 tsp instant espresso 6 tbsp coffee liqueur 375 ml cream 1 bag cream thickener 12 tbsp egg liqueur 12 seed-shaped chocolate candies
Cooking: Soak the gelatine. Cut the vanilla pod lengthwise, scoop out the pulp, and boil it in 1 litre of water with the pod and the cinnamon. Discard the pod and the quill. Stir in the sugar, the coffer and the coffee liqueur. Squeeze out the gelatine and dissolve it in hot water. Leave to chill. Put into dessert glasses and refrigerate 4-6 hours. Whisk the cream with the thickener. Put it in a pastry bag, decorate the jelly with the cream, and pour the egg liqueur on it. Garnish each with a chocolate candy.
1,000 g sugar
350 ml milk
Cooking: Bring the milk to boil, add the sugar, and boil 20-30 min, stirring. To check the readiness, drop a teaspoonful into cold water. If a firm ball forms, it is ready. Pour the light brown fondant on a baking sheet in a thin (2 cm) layer, chill, and cut out any shapes you like.
Panna Cotta
(Serves 8) 1 bag (11g) gelatine powder 225 ml milk 1/2 vanilla pod or 1 1/2 tsp vanilla essence 400 ml double cream 50 g sugar 1 stripe (8x3 cm) lemon zest 1 cinnamon quill (7-8 cm) 300 g fresh or frozen raspberries 2 tbsp redcurrant jelly 1 tsp fine corn flour raspberries and fresh mint sprig for garnishing
Cooking: Sprinkle the gelatine into milk and leave for 5 min. Cut the vanilla pod lengthwise. Remove and reserve the seeds. Fill a 1-litre pan with water, add the vanilla and its seeds, the cream, the sugar, the zest and the cinnamon. Bring to the boil stirring occasionally. (If you use the vanilla essence, add it after removing the zest.) Turn down the heat. Boil 5 min stirring occasionally. Add the milk. Heat gently 2-3 min stirring continuously. The gelatine should dissolve completely without boiling. Take out the zest, the cinnamon and the vanilla. Pour the mixture into a small bowl set in a larger bowl with icy water. Mix frequently for 10-12 min. As soon as the mixture starts to get thick, take the bowl out of the water. Pour it into eight 125ml tins. Refrigerate overnight or at least 4 hours. Make a sauce. Force the raspberries through a sieve into a two-litre pan. Add the redcurrant jelly and the flour. Stir. Boil 1 min. Pour into a bowl and refrigerate. Take the chilled jelly from the tins. For this, cut the jelly along the sides, hit and the tin and turn over onto a plate. Pour the sauce around and garnish as you like.
Pineapple Cr
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