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Rubai Restaurant: Siciliano Mate

nikname34, 13 June 2012

Mate, gourd and bombilla compose so called Tea threesome in South America. Mate Siciliano is a new hot invigorant drink found at pages of menu at Rubai Tea & Coffee House.

Mate, gourd and bombilla compose so called Tea threesome in South America. Mate Siciliano is a new hot invigorant drink found at pages of menu at Rubai Tea u Coffee House. Bergamot aroma and high content of natural caffeine can be found in dry leaves and young stalks of eternal green Paraguay holly. Except for this novelty performed, connoisseurs of gourd tea may also try collection, fruit and even mist mate - smoked with eucalyptus leaves, coconut skin, caramel pieces and tagetes flowers.

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