Breakfast At Nikuda ne edem Restaurant
Breakfasts which care about guests, breakfasts for those feeling hungry or caught a cold or overcoming consequences of yesterday party are now available at the bar Nikuda ne edem. Chef-barman Kan created drinks and Chef Shurshakov created food.

Restaurant Nikuda ne edem
Average bill: 1500-2000 rub
Address: 15 bldg. 8, Rochdel'skaya str., Moscow
Dmitry Shurshakov divided dishes created by him into a few chapters – Milk, Eggs, Bread and What's Left.
Milk includes 3 kinds of porridges (per 280 rubles each): oatmeal, buckwheat and millet. Each of them can be cooked on milk or water. Toppings (80 rubles each) and cottage cheese dumplings with honey, jam or sour cream (380 rubles) are also available.
In the Eggs chapter there are Israeli scrambled eggs shakshouka (320 rubles) with hot tomatoes and sweet pepper, 5 kinds of Benedict eggs (420-520 rubles), including Benedict with salmon caviar and Benedict with broccoli and wheat for those who take care of their health. There is also steamed omelet (240 rubles) and toppings for it (80 rubles each).
Bread means Soviet sandwiches adored by Shurshakov which he serves in non-Soviet style. He proposes 3 sandwiches with fresh croissant (320 rubles each): ham, salmon or sausage. Then he offers 3 sandwiches with focaccia: salmon and cream cheese (480 rubles), ham and mustard sauce (420 rubles) and sausage (420 rubles). You may order just a croissantper 90 rubles only.
What's Left includes 5 fanciest dishes made of relative bits and pieces of biscuit dough, pumpkin puree, not nice slices of bacon etc. At the same time they are tasty and so rich that you may serve you for lunch. So, in What's Left chapter there is sponge-cake with sausage, tomatoes and poached egg (380 rubles), pumpkin gnocchi with raisin and oat biscuits (420 rubles), crab sausages with corn and egg (520 rubles), pumpkin cupcake with fried bacon and fresh lettuce (420 rubles), green tea noodles with chicken, green lettuce and egg (360 rubles).
Breakfasts at Nikuda ne edem bar are served from 11 am to 4 pm on weekdays and from 11 am to 6 pm on weekends.
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