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Weeks of Valencian Cuisine at Lizarran Restaurants

Redaktor, 10 June 2013

Dishes from region Valencia are cooked at Spanish restaurants Lizarran for the whole month.

Restaurant Lizarran

Kitchen: Spanish
Average bill: 1000-1500 rub
Address: 16, Leningradskoe sh., Moscow

Valencia is one of the most beautiful cities in Spain near the coastline of the Mediterranean Sea, famous not for its golden beaches but also for its cuisine. 

One of the most popular dishes in the region is Valencian paella with rabbit, duck, pork and chicken. For paella they use special sort of rice Bomba sort cultivated at Albufera lake situated near Valencia city. They catch eel in this lake with which Valencians cook another popular dish called ‘All y pebre’ – eel soup with potatoes seasoned with cinnamon and hot pepper. 

Try these and other dishes at Lizarran restaurant during weeks of Valencian cuisine! 

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