Italian Autumn at Don Ivan Restaurant
The new Italian menu has been available at Don Ivan restaurant since the beginning of September. Apart from hot and cold starters, salads, pasta and risotto, the Chef offers the guests 13 kinds of pizza on the thinnest dough.

Restaurant Don Ivan
Average bill: 1000-1500 rub
Address: 10, Yaroslavskoye highway, Moscow
“Try our pizza, you will definitely like it”, - invites Don Ivan.
Margarita pizza – 290 rubles
Four cheeses pizza - 350 rubles
Pizza with champignons – 350 rubles
Pizza with Ruccola and Mozzarella – 350 rubles
Bolognese pizza – 370 rubles
Pepperoni pizza (with Italian sausages and Mozzarella) – 390 rubles
Neapolitana pizza (with tuna) – 400 rubles
Marinara pizza (with seafood) – 400 rubles
Pizza with Parma ham and Ruccola – 450 rubles
Vegetarian pizza – 330 rubles
Caesar pizza – 380 rubles
Pizza with ham – 380 rubles
Pizza with sour cucumbers and tongue – 420 rubles
Focaccia with olive oil and rosemary – 90 rubles
Focaccia with olives and rose pepper – 90 rubles

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