Brunches with Isekelle Barbuto at Fish Restaurant
Fish restaurant presents weekly brunches from Chef Isekelle Barbuto in the format of master-classes.

Restaurant FISH bar&restaurant
Average bill: 2000-3000 rub
Address: Hotel "Ukraina" pier, Tarasa Shevchenko embankment, Moscow
Каждое воскресенье с 12:00 на летней террасе Fish талантливый итальянец в режиме live kitchen show будет готовить блюда из рыбы и морепродуктов в авторском исполнении. В планах у Изекелле — провести семь бранчей на верхней палубе, а с наступлением осени переместиться в зал ресторана.
Every Sunday beginning from noon this talented Italian Chef will be cooking fish dishes and seafood in author’s execution as live kitchen show at the summer terrace. Isekelle’s plans include performing seven brunches at the upper deck and moving to the restaurant hall as the autumn comes.
Master-classes take place every Sunday from noon to 3 pm.
This is the schedule of the nearest brunches:
August 25th – Canary seabream sashimi
September 1st – Tom Yam
September 8th – Blue Fin Tuna (tartar, sashimi, Carpaccio, steak)
September 15th – Risotto with seafood
September 22nd – Italian Cock Fish soup
September 29th – Sword fish (Carpaccio, tartar, steak).

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