Some New Positions At Christian Restaurant
Mr. Christian Lorenzini, a chef of the Christian Restaurant and a master of creative service, has updated the menu at the self-name restaurant introducing 13 new author's dishes.

Restaurant Christian
Average bill: 1500-2000 rub
Address: 2/1 bldg. 1A, Kutuzovsky Ave., Moscow
Insalada Russa (450 rubles) is almost a Russian salad. It is served in an open tin-can but that's not all out for news: Christian added crispy buckwheat pop-corn and smoked sea bass to make the structure full.
Risotto Tom Yam (590 rubles) is definitely one of the future hits including Italy and Thailand half and half: carnaroli rice is cooked on the mixture of prawn bisque and tom yam with tomato and chili and served with wild prawns.
Vegetable soup Ribollita (360 rubles) was served at Christian earlier but it has been included in the menu again upon frequent visitors' requests and also because now is the most suitable season for such rich and warm-up food.
Eclairs with chicken pate and mushroom espresso (450 rubles) look like a dessert but turn out to be a very tasty appetizer, perfect for wine.
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