Restaurant menu «Subbotitsa»
- Cold appetizers 23
- Salads 12
- Hot appetizers 11
- Soups 5
- Hot meat courses 28
- Hot fish and seafood courses 2
- Grilled seafood served in frying pan 5
- Fish on steam, grill, frying pan, in parchment 5
- Side dishes 9
- Sauces 3
- Bread 1
- Desserts 14
- Lent and vegetarian menu 38
- Cold appetizers 5
- Salads 10
- Soups 3
- Hot courses 13
- Sauce 1
- Desserts 6
- Drinks 94
Side dishes
Classical rice 150g |
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Asparagus 150g | Cooked on steam, grill, frying pan |
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Grilled vegetables 180g | Eggplants, zucchini, tomatoes, sweet pepper, onion |
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Boiled vegetables 150g | Green peas, carrot, broccoli |
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Spinach 120g |
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Dalmatian side dish 150g | Boiled potatoes with spinach |
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Potatoes fried with onion and mushrooms 200g |
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Pekarskiy potatoes 150g |
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Boiled potatoes 150g |