Restaurant menu «Novikov»
- Appetizers 20
- Whisky 74
- Soups 4
- Caviar and oysters 4
- Salads 11
- New style sashimi salads 6
- Sashimi 9
- Nigiri sushi 10
- Sherry 2
- Porto 3
- Special sushi 5
- Cognac 15
- Maki (temaki on request) 13
- Armagnac 3
- Dim sum 6
- Calvados 3
- Tempura 6
- Grappa & Aquavite 7
- Meat 14
- Gin & Genever 3
- Seafood 16
- Rice & noodles 12
- Tequila 8
- Rum 10
- Vegetables 5
- Italian kitchen 6
- Vodka 12
- Bitters 7
- Pastas & risotto 7
- Desserts 14
- Liqueurs 6
- Cocktails 21
- Mineral water & Fizzy drinks 19
- Cocktails by Johnnie Walker 3
- Juices 9
- Bottled beer 5
- Non-alcoholic cocktails 15
- Juices Gusto 2
- Fresh juices 8
- Coffee 7
- Wine card 263
- Sparkling 5
- Whites 5
- Rose 10
- Aperitifs 6
- Champagne 15
- Champagne halves 3
- White wines 85
- Rose wines 4
- Red wines 98
- Sake & fruit wines 30
- Awamori 2
- Cigars 19
- Cigarettes 27
Sake & fruit wines
Umenishiki Shikika Reisui Ehime 8,3% 100ml | This elegant «$ladies' sake» with hints of gooseberry and plum tones. Served cold |
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Umenishiki Shikika Reisui Ehime 8,3% 500ml | This elegant «$ladies' sake» with hints of gooseberry and plum tones. Served cold |
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Umenishiki Hime no Ai Tenmi Ehime 16,3% 100ml | Exquisite and elegant Sake with floral tones of acacia and honey. Served cold |
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Umenishiki Hime no Ai Tenmi Ehime 16,3% 750ml | Exquisite and elegant Sake with floral tones of acacia and honey. Served cold |
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Kaiun Iwaizake Shizuoka 15,5% 100ml | Vivid Sake with notes of mango, banana and pineapple bright flavor. Served cold |
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Kaiun Iwaizake Shizuoka 15,5% 300ml | Vivid Sake with notes of mango, banana and pineapple bright flavor. Served cold |
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Kaiun Tokubetsu Junmai Shizuoka 15,5% 100ml | Vivid Sake, with hints of melon and pineapple. Served cold |
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Kaiun Tokubetsu Junmai Shizuoka 15,5% 720ml | Vivid Sake, with hints of melon and pineapple. Served cold |
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Kaiun Tokusen Junmai Ginjo Shizuoka 16,5% 100ml | Vivid Sake, with hints of mango, banana, pineapple. Served cold |
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Kaiun Tokusen Junmai Ginjo Shizuoka 16,5% 720ml | Vivid Sake, with hints of mango, banana, pineapple. Served cold |
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Kaiun Junmai Daiginjo Shizuoka 16,5% 100ml | Fine and delicate Sake with hints of mango, banana, pineapple. Served cold |
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Kaiun Junmai Daiginjo Shizuoka 16,5% 720ml | Fine and delicate Sake with hints of mango, banana, pineapple. Served cold |
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Tozai Ginjo Nigori Osaka 14,9% 100ml | Unfiltered sake with fruity notes. Served cold |
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Tozai Ginjo Nigori Osaka 14,9% 300ml | Unfiltered sake with fruity notes. Served cold |
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Rikubai Daiginjo Osaka 16,8% 100ml | Intensive sake with hints of sea buckthorn fruit and flavor. Served cold |
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Rikubai Daiginjo Osaka 16,8% 720ml | Intensive sake with hints of sea buckthorn fruit and flavor. Served cold |
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Hakushika Ginjo Namachozo Hyogo 13,3% 100ml | Sake with a delicate fruity and floral notes. Served cold |
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Hakushika Ginjo Namachozo Hyogo 13,3% 300ml | Sake with a delicate fruity and floral notes. Served cold |
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Ozeki Daiginjo Osakaya Chobei Hyogo 15,8% 100ml | With a fruity aroma, a little dry, light and clean taste. Served cold |
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Ozeki Daiginjo Osakaya Chobei Hyogo 15,8% 720ml | With a fruity aroma, a little dry, light and clean taste. Served cold |
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Ozeki Daiginjo Osakaya Chobei Gold Medal Hyogo 15,8% 100ml | Exquisite fruity flavor with sweet notes of pear. Served cold |
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Ozeki Daiginjo Osakaya Chobei Gold Medal Hyogo 15,8% 720ml | Exquisite fruity flavor with sweet notes of pear. Served cold |
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Ozeki Jumanai Daiginjo Judan Jikomi Hyogo 16,3% 100ml | Sweetness of port wine, subtle fruit aroma, deep and very complex flavor. Served cold |
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Ozeki Jumanai Daiginjo Judan Jikomi Hyogo 16,3% 700ml | Sweetness of port wine, subtle fruit aroma, deep and very complex flavor. Served cold |
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Yuzu Wine Marquis Budoshu 9% 150ml | Medium sweet vivid aromas with hints of mandarin, lime and floral tones |
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Yuzu Wine Marquis Budoshu 9% 720ml | Medium sweet vivid aromas with hints of mandarin, lime and floral tones |
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Plum Wine Extra Shiso Choya 15% 150ml | Fruity aroma with a hint of almond peach and mint |
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Plum Wine Extra Shiso Choya 15% 600ml | Fruity aroma with a hint of almond peach and mint |
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Plum wine Extra Years Choya 15% 150ml | Fruity aroma with a hint of almond and peach |
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Plum wine Extra Years Choya 15% 600ml | Fruity aroma with a hint of almond and peach |