Restaurant menu «Kuvshin»
- Salads 18
- Cheeses 8
- Cold appetizers 34
- Hot appetizers 20
- Soups 30
- Hot fish courses 12
- Hot poultry courses 6
- Hot meat courses 16
- Dishes on charcoal 21
- Lamb 9
- Veal 3
- Pork 3
- Poultry 2
- Vegetables 4
- Side-dishes 6
- Sauces 9
- Desserts 22
- Juices, mineral water, lemonades 2
- Home lemonades made of fresh berries and fruits 10
- Juices 7
- Fresh juices 6
- Mineral water 5
- Non-alcoholic cocktails 4
- Coffee 7
Non-alcoholic cocktails
Rings of Saturn 400ml | Orange juice, pineapple juice, peach juice, pomegranate syrup |
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Fruit pleasure 180g | Aromatic fruit mix with strawberry, peach and banana |
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Mojito 350g | Classical, strawberry, raspberry |
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Milk cocktail 350g | Vanilla, strawberry, chocolate |