Erevan chicken from Abrikos (Apricot) restaurant
Chef Ramil Imangulov shows how to cook Erevan chicken with cherry plum, pomegranate and gumbo.

350-400 g chicken;
1-2 onions (average);
2-3 tomatoes;
70 g butter;
3-4 cherry plums;
50-60 g green beans;
20-30 g fresh cilantro;
20 g pomegranate seeds;
3-4 gumbos;
Salt, pepper to your taste.Step 1

Prepare ingredients.
Step 2

Cut onion.
Step 3

Cut chicken into pieces.
Step 4

Halve cherry plums and remove seeds.
Step 5

Cut tomatoes.
Step 6

Place butter on a pre-heated frying pan.
Step 7

The meat is very tender if frying chicken on the butter.
Step 8

Fry until golden crust.
Step 9

Add onion.
Step 10

Sprinkle with salt and pepper.
Step 11

Wait until the onion is ready.
Step 12

Add tomatoes. You don’t need to peel tomatoes beforehand: when frying, the skin will be removed easier without extra product consumption.
Step 13

Add cherry plums.
Step 14

Do not forget to mix up.
Step 15

Add green beans.
Step 16

Chop fresh cilantro.
Step 17

Arrange the dish on a plate.
Step 18

Top with greens.
Step 19

Add pomegranate seeds. Our dish is ready!
Bon appetite!
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