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Dinner with Chef Alain Ducasse

Redaktor, 22 October 2013

You might be participating in the dinner on October 28th together with the world famous Chef and Restaurateur Alain Ducasse and also you have a chance to evaluate a light re-styling of interior at miX in St. Petersburg restaurant which was performed by Petersburg designer Maxim Languyev upon the master Ducasse’s request.  

Restaurant miX in St. Petersburg

Kitchen: Chefs, Mediterranean, French
Average bill: Central
Address: 6, Voznesensky Ave., Saint-Petersburg

The evening will start fr om the cocktail at the Living Room, wh ere you will have a chance to greet Alain Ducasse in person. Then the guests will be invited to the restaurant for dinner consisting of 5 author’s dishes with selection of wines to each of them. The unique menu was created by Alain Ducasse together with miX in St. Petersburg Chef Stephen Gortin especially for this evening. 

The elegant courses are thoroughly selected, being the best among seasonal products locally produced, caught and cultivated in accordance with Alain Ducasse’s culinary philosophy and the concept of miX in St. Petersburg restaurant. 

October 28th, 7 pm. 

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