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New Island Restaurant: Season Open

nikname34, 1 June 2012

New Island Boat Restaurant invites all Petersburg dwellers and city guests to a unique voyage when delightful dinner will be decorated with famous St. Petersburg architecture ensembles

New Island Boat Restaurant invites all Petersburg dwellers and city guests to a unique voyage when delightful dinner will be decorated with famous St. Petersburg architecture ensembles. During navigation period New Island daily departs from Rumyantsevskiy entrance to the Neva quay every two hours from 14.00 to 00.00.  While sailing, restaurant guests will see over 10 bridges, 25 palaces, 42 museums and monuments and over 23 km of Petersburg quays. Only various fish delicacies and Russian cuisine dishes may be compared with beautiful panorama of the city. 
The voyage starts at 14:00, 18:00, 16.00, 20:00, 22:30 and lasts for 1.5 hour.

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