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Honey Joys at Barbaresco Restaurant

Redaktor, 24 July 2013

Antonio, Chef of Barbaresco restaurant, has brought the tastiest and rare sorts of honey from Italy!

Restaurant Barbaresco

Kitchen: Italian
Average bill: 2000-3000 rub
Address: 2, Konyushennaya Square, St. Petersburg
Nevskiy prospekt

Welcome to a Piedmont tavern and choose to your taste: tender orange honey with citrus notes and nice refreshing taste or chestnut honey with the best combination of opposite tastes: first sweet flavor is followed by nice bitter long lasting taste; Alpine flowers honey with fruit flavor or pine honey rich in minerals and aminoacids.     Especially for gourmets there is rare honey of wild strawberry tree corbezzo: first sweet seconds are fast followed by growing bitter herbal flavor; the honey is perfect when combined with aged cheeses. 

Chestnut honey BIO (castagno): place of collection – Italy, Piedmont; 

Pine honey BIO (melata): place of collection – Italy, Piedmont;

Alpine flowers honey BIO (flora alpine) – Italy, Piedmont. 

Orange honey (arancio): collected over blossoms of orange trees in Calabrian national park, Italy;  

Wild strawberry tree honey (corbezollo): place of collection – Sette Fratelli park, Sardinia, Italy.  

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