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Italian Traditions And Local Products At GUSTO Restaurant

Redaktor, 3 December 2014

New Dishes from Fabrizio Fatucci, the Chef of GUSTO Restaurant include a fine combination of Italian traditions and local products at GUSTO! Keeping traditional Italian taste, Fabrizio selects the best among local products creating the harmony.

Restaurant Gusto

Kitchen: Chefs, Italian
Average bill: 2000-3000 rub
Address: 1A, Degtyarnaya str., Saint-Petersburg
Ploschad vosstaniya

So, regular presentation of lasagna will be by crashed by the unusual recipe with pumpkin, black truffle and Taleggio cheese. This is a tender combination where all ingredients are well-balanced and not a single ingredient breaks in another one. There is another dish for real gourmets – reindeer in kataifi with beetroot Parmentier: juicy meat, crispy kataifi and soft texture of Parmentier compose excellent original trio. Seafood soup alla Marinara will warm you up in the cold evening bringing you for a moment to sunny and always friendly Italy. Semifreddo dessert with pumpkin, almond crumbles and Amaretti ice-cream    – will be an accurate accomplishing accord! 

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