Ukrainian Cuisine Festival At Bul-Var Restaurant
Bul-Var Restaurant Chefs cook traditional Ukrainian dishes within the festival of Ukrainian Cuisine.
The restaurant guests will be treated with Ukrainian lard and rye bread toasts, traditional Ukrainian borsch with pork ribs and a scone with garlic butter, dumplings with potatoes and grilled lard, stewed home stuffed cabbage rolls with sour cream, roasted and stewed pork with mashed potatoes, hot smoked duck with stewed cabbage and home angel wings with cherry sorbet for a dessert! On May 30th the restaurant invites to enjoy the show program to celebrate the festival closure and to participate in a long-expected draw of the voyage to Crimea!
New Positions In Menu Na rechke
There are good news at the restaurant Na rechke for all who come here not only to have fun but also to have a good meal!
New Goatling Menu At Brussels Pub
Are you starving? We are waiting for you today at Brussels pub for a seasonal menu offering dishes made of goatling!
Bazaar At Mamalyga Restaurant on Engelsa
The Mamalyga restaurant suggests that you forget about autumn melancholy and come to see our bazaar.