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Festival of Black Cod at Fish House on per. Grivtsova

Redaktor, 3 June 2013

A special menu consisting of Pacific black cod from Alyaska region is available the whole June at Fish House restaurant on Grivtsova. The menu has been designed by restaurant Chef Igor Dashkevich especially for the beginning of white nights season.

Restaurant Fish House

Kitchen: Central
Average bill: Central
Address: 4, Grivtsova side-street, St. Petersburg

The menu includes summer starters, rich courses and courses for a group of people. Summer salad made of smoked black cod from Alyaska served with green lettuce leaves Mache, Ruccola, marinated beetroot, cisco caviar, radish, cucumber, dried tomatoes – 450 rubles. 

Smoked black cod starter for vodka served with marinated white onion, Yakutsk cisco caviar, young boiled potatoes, sour cream sauce – 390 rubles. 

Fish soup with black caviar with seafood – 490 rubles. 

Grilled black cod fillet marinated in soya sauce served with young white asparagus, green peas, Milanino tomatoes – 950 rubles. 

Black cod baked in oven (1.5 kg) for a group of 4 people, 3200 rubles.    


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