Cones Winter Menu At Panayekhali Restaurant
Ruslan Akhmedov, Chef of Panayekhali Restaurant, created a winter menu with…cones!
Cones have been preferred not only for their harsh pine taste which goes excellently with fish and meat, gives perfect flavour to desserts but also for healthy characteristics, which have positive influence on human well-being and vivacity.
This is an extract from the menu:
Grilled beef fillet marinated in juniper with mulberry & cones; served with fried onion and yellow dock, 630 rubles.
Kizhach with steamed cones; served with puree-wasabi, 550 rubles.
Rolls of three kinds of meat with oyster sauce and Abkhazian cones, 490 rubles.
Halibut marinated in sauce with lemon zest and rosemary, baked with vegetables and cones, 520 rubles.
Author’s strudel with curd, poppy and cherry; served with sauce made of pumpkin, cones, juniper and thyme, 290 rubles.
Feijoa pie with sea buckthorn and cream; soaked with juniper and thyme syrup, 270 rubles.

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