Wine & Cheese at Meat&Fish
Wine and cheese is a combination created in heavens. Meat&Fish restaurant performs a special cheese carte consisting of 12 very good European cheeses.
This is a cheese carte at Meat&Fish:
Burgos - fresh goat farmer's cheese;
Chevre - mild goat cheese with hard crust and white mildew;
Camembert - goat farmer's with white mildew;
Taleggio - mild cheese made of cow milk;
Morbier - mild cheese made of cow milk with a layer of ash;
Fourme d'Amber - cheese made of cow milk with mildew;
Roquefort Papillon - cheese made of sheep milk with mildew;
Mimolette - average hard cheese made of cow milk;
Manchego - hard cheese made of sheep milk;
Comte - hard cheese made of cow milk;
Tete de Moine - hard cheese made of cow milk;
Pecorino Romano - hard cheese made of sheep milk.

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