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Just In Prime

Redaktor, 14 May 2013

Khatuna Kolbaya, the hostess of Saperavi Cafe offering Georgian cuisine, has collected all colors of bright and prime summer for the June menu - violet eggplant and yellow pear, emerald sweet pepper and red tomatoes, orange medlar and light-green marrows.

These are some extracts from the menu:

Pear with Imereti cheese, walnuts and honey - 205 rubles; 

Atsetsili - baked eggplant with garlic, verdure and pomegranate sauce, 390 rubles; 

Khachapuri with smoked cheese and eggplants - 350 rubles;

Bread basket with butter and Svan salt - 180 rubles; 

Suluguni in almond crust with medlar jam - 310 rubles; 

Matsoni cold soup with verdure, cucumbers and young radish - 290 rubles; 

Lula-kebab in sweet pepper with smoked cheese and vegetable green salad - 540 rubles; 

Marrow fritters with matsoni & Svan salt - 350 rubles; 

Grilled marrow rolls with Nadugi and verdure - 290 rubles; 

Medlar jam 250 ml - 240 rubles. 


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