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Seasonal Novelties at Niyama Menu

Redaktor, 13 December 2012

The Niyama menu has tasty and original novelties. The season offer Letasu harumaki includes a starter with chicken, shrimps, omelet and cucumber.

Restaurant Niyama restaurant chain

Kitchen: Central
Average bill: Central
Address: 1) ‘Tramplin’ trading center, 3rd level, 25A, Yarcevskaya street, Moscow

The dish is served with a piquant sauce and just having tried it, you will have an immediate desire to know its recipe. 

For those who calculate calories there is dietetic Ebi Mikushu Sarada – shrimps with mix salad. Ika Oysta – squid stewed with vegetables in oyster sauce and Mabo tofu – chicken with vegetables and tofu have bright taste combinations. Paprika Gyuniku Zume – pepper stuffed with salmon, perch and rudderfish – is a very rich dish. 

Among new soups there is Miso Kurimu with chicken in miso broth with milk and Salmon Vakame with salmon, seaweeds and vegetables.

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