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Unveiling from Chef at Scottish Cell Restaurant

Redaktor, 20 November 2013

By its 3rd-year anniversary Scottish Cell restaurant prepared a surprise for guests: the new Chef has been a Head of the restaurant kitchen since November 2013.

He is young, ambitious and very creative 28-year-old Alexey Baskovskiy. He is going to deal with a wild restaurant cuisine and to bring the aesthetics of his culinary views in it.

Here are some of his dishes:

Salad with octopus, squids and shrimps;

Cream-soup with Scottish salmon and shrimps; 

Vegetable salad with fennel with Scottish salmon and shrimps, baked in the oven under the layers dough; 

Grilled quail served with spinach sauté;

Homemade cottage cheese fritters. 

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