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Opening of Chocolate Boutique-Café Vendome at Nikolskaya Moskva Hotel

Redaktor, 5 May 2014

Chocolate Boutique-Café Vendome will be open on May 15th at Nikolskaya Moskva Hotel. Hot chocolate, fresh pastries, French desserts – the Café will have the ambiance of aristocratic Paris.

Pantomimists, acrobats, caricaturists will be working at the Café on the day of opening. The guests will be entertained with contests and presents will be distributed. Hot drinks and sweets from Vendome will be served from the morning till late evening. The feeling of endless feast will be complemented with a fabulous steam train a la beginning of the 20th century which will be running in the street.  A Barman’s show will be the peak of the feast. 

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