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New Positions at La Casa Del Gaucho Menu

Redaktor, 19 April 2013

You will get stronger and the summer will get closer once you taste new positions from the menu at La Casa Del Gaucho steak-house.
Tasty and juicy Canadian milk veal on the bone (1800 rubles) is grilled in the hall and served in restaurant traditions – on charcoal with marrowbone and garlic sauce. The delicate and tender roast lamb is baked in wooden oven in rye round loaf. They add broth to this ‘bread saucepan’ together with meat, potatoes, carrots, celery and sweet pepper and leave for stewing well. Steam gives bread a special home taste and rye bread makes meat softer and juicier.
The leg of lamb baked in the oven (4700 rubles) might be considered as an absolute masterpiece of La Casa Del Gaucho. This is a real Argentinian dish which requires long-time preparation: first, meat with spices (chili, thyme, rosemary, anise, jeera) is stewed in wooden oven for four hours and then it is left before serving to be fully prepared.


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