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Peter Buskens Gastronomic Tour at Projector Rest-Bar

Redaktor, 11 April 2013

On April 16th - 20th the gastronomic tour of star Chef Peter Buskens will take place at Projector Rest-Bar. Peter Buskens is the Michelin star owner, the professional with 22-years' experience among which he used to run his own restaurant for 13 years. This event is expected to be remarkable for the capital culinary world.  
Considering gastronomic special features of the restaurant and national cuisine, Peter Buskens worked out author's dishes using traditional Russian ingredients specifically for Projector. These dishes will be naturally added to the main menu.
For a starter Chef offers light scallop Carpaccio topped with strong lime sauce with spices, soft Foie-Gras topped with calvados marinade, ginger and Russian kvass and also an original author's option for tartar steak with French poached egg, spicy anchovies and green lettuce.
Peter Buskens has made the main accent on fish courses. Among them there is mackerel a la russe topped with sour cream sauce with hot horseradish and walnuts, tender tuna with vegetables topped with Catalan garlic alioli and rich sea-bass topped with crispy marinated asparagus and tender cream sauce beurre blanc. The guests are returned back to Russian culinary traditions with beetroot risotto where smoke, sour and sweet tastes are combined in a special way overcoming to each other. Among hot courses there is soft veal tongue topped with wine Madeira sauce, stewed chicken fillet under sour-sweet apple compote and kebab of slightly fried scallops in vegetable lace under soft beurre blanc sauce. For a dessert Peter prepares elegant lemon pie in light yogurt and cream tiramisu in author's execution.

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