Olga Gulieva, Chef of Kavkazskaya plennitsa restaurant, shows how to cook traditional Georgian dish made of buts and grape juice.
Churchkhela from Kavkazskaya plennitsa restaurant (Caucasian-style kidnapping)
Olga Gulieva, Chef of Kavkazskaya plennitsa restaurant, shows how to cook traditional Georgian dish made of buts and grape juice.

Ingredients (for 8 portions):
- Natural grape juice (preferable dark sort of grape) – 1 litre,
- Corn flour – 200 g (1.5 glass),
- Wheat flour – 150 g,
- Potato starch – 50 g,
- Sugar – 80 g or to your taste (it depends on how sweet is the grape juice),
- Walnuts (peeled and halved) – 500 g,
- Hazelnuts – 500 g,
- Mint – small bunch for dressing.
Step 1

Prepare all necessary: hazelnuts, walnuts, fresh grape juice, sugar, flour, starch. We also need a thick needle and strong threat.
Step 2

Take a needle and pierce each half of walnuts in the middle and string on thread one by one. It’s important to remember that much depends on walnuts quality, so we choose the tastiest and very fresh nuts.
Step 3

This is how the thread looks like when it’s ready. Fix the edges and leave 10-15 cm of thread free in the middle to hang churchkhela to get dry afterwards.
Step 4

Now string hazelnuts on the thread.
Step 5

Since it’s one of the hardest nuts, it’s better to rest upon something solid when piercing, for instance a board.
Step 6

So, we have the second thread – something looking like beads.
Step 7

Now let’s prepare the cover for churchkhela which is called pilamushi. Add sugar, starch, sieved flour in boiling grape juice and cook until sour cream consistence.
Step 8

They cook churchkhela in big volumes at Kavkazskaya plennitsa, so experienced Chefs-men help Olga in this work.
Step 9

Slowly drop “beads” of hazelnuts down to our thick base, lifting it in the mass completely using a big spoon or a ladle.
Step 10

Then take out carefully holding the ‘free middle’ of thread and hang out to get it dry.
Step 11

Do the same with a thread of walnuts.
Step 12

Take it out from the saucepan when it’s ready.
Step 13

And hang out to get dry nearby. As a rule, it takes two days for churchkhela to get dry.
Step 14

This is how churchkhela looks like when it’s completely ready.
Step 15

It is cut into small pieces and served dressed with mint.
Step 16

Juicy appetite! You may store churchkhela in the fridge for 2-3 weeks or even more.
Bon appetite!
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