Russian borsch
На тему борща можно экспериментировать бесконечно. Я взяла и попробовала приготовить борщ по очень старой книжке, которая досталась мне от мамы. От себя я только лишь добавила острый перец и заменила корень сельдерея стеблем. Остальное тру. Получилось дико вкусно!
Beef on the bone – 400 g;
Pork – 300 g;
Onion – 1 big;
Beetroot – 2 small or 1 big pc;
Carrot – 1 big;
Celery stalks – 2 pc;
Cabbage – ½ head;
Tomatoes – 3 pc;
Parsley – 1 bunch;
Garlic – 3 cloves;
Vinegar – 2 tbsp;
Sugar – 1 tbsp;
Chili – 1 tea spoon flat;
Fresh ground black pepper, salt;
Peppercorn – 1 tea spoon;
Bay leaf – 2 pc;
Allspice – 3 pc;
Oil – 4 tbsp.
Step 1

Wash out the meat, pour with cold water and put on to cook. Remove the foam as soon as it gets boiled, low down the heat and cook for 2 hours. After 1 hour add bay leaf, peppercorn and allspice. Add half a tea spoon of salt. We’ll sprinkle thoroughly with salt in the end because potatoes and cabbage will not get soft in the salty broth.
Step 2

Take out the meat when the broth is ready.
Step 3

Sieve the broth and put on medium heat.
Step 4

Cut the onion into sticks.
Step 5

Grate beetroot and carrot on a small grater.
Step 6

Heat over oil in a deep frying pan. Put the onion there.
Step 7

In a couple of minutes add beetroot and carrot.
Step 8

Cut celery stalks into cubes and add to vegetables.
Step 9

Add one and a half ladle of broth, cover and leave to stew for half an hour. Mix up from time to time.
Step 10

Cut the meat into cubes and add to the broth.
Step 11

Cut the cabbage into sticks.
Step 12

Add to the soup. I don’t add potato as the recipe doesn’t include it but if it’s necessary for you, feel free to add it now.
Step 13

Cut tomatoes into cubes.
Step 14

In the middle of stewing process add tomatoes, vinegar and sugar into the frying pan. Sprinkle with chili. Finish stewing up.
Step 15

Finely chop the parsley and peel the garlic.
Step 16

Add vegetables into the soup. Sprinkle with salt. Let it cook for 5 minutes until boiling.
Step 17

Add parsley, press out garlic, add pepper and try for salt. Switch off, cover and leave for 10 minutes. No need to write that the next day it’s the bomb!
Step 18

Serve with sour cream, rye bread and spring onion.
Bon appetite!
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