Profiteroles with mushrooms
Profiteroles are pastry balls made of layer dough. The dough itself is very fast to cook, then puffs might be shaped to your choice (round or long as eclairs), put on cold baking pan within a big distance from each other and baked in the oven which is not supposed to open at any condition! In this case they will lift up and get golden. They will be empty inside leaving space for different fillings, which might be sweet or not.
This recipe will be with mushrooms – being so tender and incredibly tasty, they will amaze your guests. It is an excellent option for a meal.

For profiteroles:
- Butter – 100 g;
- Water – 1 glass;
- Flour – 1 glass;
- Eggs – 5 pc.
For filling:
- Champignons – 800 g;
- Onion – 2 pc;
- Cream 22% – 500 ml;
- Oil – 3 tbsp;
- Salt.
Step 1

Pour water in a saucepan, cut butter into big cubes and put into the water. Put on the heat as we have to get it boiled.
Step 2

As soon as it gets boiled, put the flour into the saucepan and immediately take the saucepan from the heat.
Step 3

Mix up fast. You will see such mass.
Step 4

Then break eggs one by one into the saucepan and mix up until the flat mass.
Step 5

As a result, we will have such a smooth flat mass.
Step 6

Heat the oven in convection mode to 200 degrees. Coat a cold baking pan with baking paper. We didn’t have it, so we took the foil but it is worse. Put into the oven for half an hour. Do not open!
Step 7

Wash the mushrooms.
Step 8

Finely chop the onion.
Step 9

Cut mushrooms into cubes.
Step 10

Heat the oil on the frying pan and fry onion for 3 minutes on medium heat, mixing up.
Step 11

Put the mushrooms there and fry for 5 minutes. Pour cream and get it boiled, sprinkle with salt. Stew for 5 minutes more on small heat.
Step 12

When the profiteroles are ready, take them out of the oven. Unstick the profiteroles from the foil immediately (later it will be unreal to do it). It’s easier to unstick from baking paper.
Step 13

Using a sharp knife cut the profiterole longwise and put the filling inside. Cover with the other part of the dough.
Bon appetite!
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