Lenten chocolate cake with beetroot
Do not be afraid of having beetroot in the recipe. I haven’t heard for a long time that it is world used in chocolate cakes to reduce the calories. So, this is the time to try.

- Oil – 1 glass;
- Brown sugar – 1 glass;
- Vanilla extract – 1 tea spoon;
- Lemon – 1 pc;
- Boiled water;
- Boiled beetroot – 250 g;
- Dark chocolate (at least 70% cacao) – 100 g;
- Flour – 2 glasses;
- Baking powder – 2 tea spoons;
- Salt – 1/3 tea spoon;
- Nuts and sugar powder for dressing – per 2 tbsp.
Step 1

Pour oil in a bowl, add sugar.
Step 2

Mix up. Add vanilla extract.
Step 3

Press out lemon juice into the glass. Fill in the rest of the glass with boiling water and add to the dough.
Step 4

Stir up to get sugar diluted. Перемешаем, чтобы сахар растворился.
Step 5

Grate the beetroot on a big grater.
Step 6

Add to the dough.
Step 7

Put aside a couple of chocolate pieces for dressing and finely chop the rest of the chocolate bar and stir up to the dough.
Step 8

Sieve the flour into the other bowl.
Step 9

Add cacao, baking powder and salt. Stir up.
Step 10

Add dry ingredients into liquid and stir up.
Step 11

The dough will be thick and have a crimson color.
Step 12

Grease a split pan with oil.
Step 13

Pour the dough into the pan. Put into the oven pre-heated until 180 degrees for 40-50 minutes (Mine was staying for 50 minutes). Check for readiness with a toothpick. If it gets beetroot (almost always happens), the toothpick won’t be 100% dry. Take it into consideration. What is more important – there is no dough left on the toothpick.
Step 14

Finely chop the left over chocolate and nuts for dressing, while baking the cake.
Step 15

Take out the cake from the oven and let it cool down completely.
Step 16

Put on the plate and top with sugar powder.
Step 17

Dress with nuts and chocolate.
Step 18

There is a glimpse of beetroot in its taste. It didn’t disturb me. The consistence level of the cake is very good.
Bon appetite!
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