Lemon pie
As you could understand, I’m pulled over to childhood nostalgia. Lemon pie means a childhood feast! When the flat was full of lemon aroma of the pie from the oven…it’s just impossible to express those senses! The most difficult was to wait until it gets cold. I never was patient enough and always took a hot piece. In those times when such abundance of desserts on shop windows and cafes was not available, homemade pies were pretty demanded. And it is outright seasonal! Because it’s not an issue to buy lemons in the winter!

- Sour cream - 250 ml;
- Butter - 100 g;
- Flour - 2-2.5 glass;
- Soda - 1/2 tea spoon;
- Lemons - 2.5 pc;
- Sugar - 1.5 glass;
- Sugar powder for dressing - 1 tbsp
Step 1

Melt the butter on low heat and get it cold a little bit. Meanwhile, mix the sour cream with soda.
Step 2

Add melted butter and stir up.
Step 3

Then sieve the flour into the same bowl. At first, mix into 2 glasses. If the paste is too sticky, then add half a glass more.
Step 4

The paste will be sticking to hands anyway.
Step 5

Divide it into 2 equal balls.
Step 6

Cut a lemon and a half Полтора лимона режем на куски и удаляем косточки.
Step 7

Blend in a blender together with zest until you get a flat mass. Then squeeze the juice of remaining lemon into it.
Step 8

Stir up lemon mass with sugar.
Step 9

Stretch out the paste manually and arrange it on the baking pan making small edges.
Step 10

Then pour into the filling. Stretch out the second part of the paste the same way and put it on top. It’s slightly harder than the first one. I am trying to stretch it as much as possible while holding in hands and then to put on top of the filling and to join the edges. Put into the oven pre-heated until 180 degrees for 30 minutes. Keep an eye – it should be baked until the golden colour.
Step 11

Let it get cold (be strong! Otherwise, the filling will be extremely hot), top with sugar powder and slice the pie.
Bon appetite!
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