French pie with mustard

What would seem to be simpler than a pie with ham and cheese? Here it is! We added a zest – granular mustard – and voila, it’s absolutely a different story! We take granular mustard – it’s very important! As for ham, you may replace it with boiled chicken but feel free to divide it into thin fibres to make it lie as a thin layer just like ham. I recommend to take sliced cheese and ham because it’s hard to slice so finely and equally yourself.
Cooking time — 45 min
Complication — simply
Main ingridient: cheese
Category: baking
Kitchen: french
Cause: for every day
Preparation: oven



  • Non-yeasted roll-in dough – 1 pack;
  • Sliced ham – 150 g;
  • Sliced cheese (I had Edam) – 200 g;  
  • Granular mustard – 100 g;
  • Provencal herbs- ½ tea spoon;
  • Egg (white) – 1 pc. 

Step 1

Unfreeze the dough according to the instruction on the pack and heat up the oven up to 190 degrees. Divide the dough into two parts. Roll over one layer in such a way that when we put it into a pan, its edges are hanging. Grease the pan with oil. Put the dough into the pan and leave the edges.

Step 2

Coat the bottom of the pie with mustard.

Step 3

Then put the ham.

Step 4

Cut a few pieces into segments…

Step 5

… to fill in the voids.

Step 6

Then put a layer of cheese.

Step 7

Top with a pinch of Provencal herbs. If you select herbs to your choice, choose sweet basil and oregano.

Step 8

Then roll over the second layer of the dough. Put the pan with a pie on it and cut around the bottom with a knife.

Step 9

Put this round into the pan.

Step 10

Pinch the edges and make a hole in the centre. Just remove a small piece of dough. It’s a very important action.

Step 11

If you don’t make a hole, the pie will be blown up like this. And then it will be heavily crumbled. I made the hole but this time it was closed by cheese. So, be careful.

Step 12

Stir up the white with a table spoon of cold water, slightly whip with a fork and coat the pie with it.

Step 13

Put into pre-heated oven for 30-40 minutes. If it is blown up like mine, cover it with a towel while it is still warm – it will make the dough mild and low down.

Step 14

It is very tasty! Both hot and cold.

Bon appetite!
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